
特級技能検定証書 職業訓練指導員免許証


特級紳士服製造技能士 職業訓辣指導員

大学は関西大学 建築学科へ入学しましたが、途中で服作りの道へ進むことになり、マロニエファッションデザイン専門学校、岡本紳士服専門学校へ入学と同時にアルバイト(レディースのプレタポルテでバターン、生産管理を経験)をしながら卒業後、心斎橋大丸のロイヤルオーダーサロンにて、カッター、フィッターとして、設計・補正・縫製・接客に携わり技術向上させながら、3000人以上のお客さまに納品させていただきました。
その後、伊テーラーブランドの企画、設計、製造を経験。他テーラー、サルトリアルの仕立て、パターン、業務委託を受けながら、2015年国家資格である、特級紳士服製造技能士を取得しました。 現在、暁紳士服工房では、恩人である方々からの教えとこれまでの経験をもとに、体系化、理論化したものを仕立てづくりにとりいれています。
お客様の考えるスタイル(流儀)(価値)づくりのお手伝いと 本物の仕立てをお届けします。

Nakayama Takaaki

Kagoshima in Japan

Special Grade Menswear Manufacturing Technician Vocational Training Instructor

When I was a student, I took an album I liked to a tailor and asked him to tailor something for me. At the time the design was done using newspaper, and I consulted with the tailor as he worked.
I entered Kansai University, majoring in architecture, but decided to pursue a career in tailoring, so I entered Marronnier Fashion Design College and Okamoto Menswear College whilst I worked part-time as a patterner and production manager in the women's ready-to-wear industry. I worked as a cutter and fitter at the Royal Order Salon at Shinsaibashi Daimaru, learning design, correction, and sewing while improving my skills and delivering to over 3,000 customers. I then worked in planning, design, and manufacturing for an Italian tailor brand. While working for the tailor I worked on sartorial tailoring, patterning, outsourcing, and I obtained the national certification, Special Grade Menswear Manufacturing Technician, in 2015.
At present, we at Akatsuki Shinshifuku koubou.
ncorporate the teachings of my mentors and our past experiences into our tailoring process, which is based on systemization and theorization.
Becoming independent in August 2018, I launched the Akatsuki Shinshifuku koubou in Temmanbashi, Osaka.
We help our customers create their own style (style) (value) and deliver authentic tailoring.
Classes are also held as needed for training in the tailoring industry.